Friday, January 31, 2020

Term paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Term paper - Essay Example ein and Victor, for Victor knowledge was the surge beyond the acceptance of human limits and the access to the secret of life while for Frankenstein knowledge was viewed in a manner that would make humans accept him as he was. The monster due to his grotesque appearance is rejected by society and therefore becomes an integral part of the action. Why grotesque? Victor creates this monster from his unnatural manner of his creation which entails the mystifying animation which is a combination of embezzled parts of a body with bizarre chemicals. Therefore one can state that the monster is a combination of scientific work which enfolds the dark and the supernatural. Does not this description fit Victor too? Victor the creator also exhibits monster qualities. His aspiration, mystery and egocentricity kind of estrange him from society and his family. His creation of the monster also creates a monster within himself for eventually Victor is consumed by hatred for his creation. Abortion an ever prevalent occurrence wherein the innocent is mercilessly killed is still found in today’s world. This abortion can also be witnessed in Victor as well as the monster who express the monster’s gruesomeness. Victor looks at his creation he states â€Å"When I thought of him, I gnashed my teeth, my eyes became inflamed, and I ardently wished to extinguish that life which I had so thoughtlessly made†. The monster who hates himself cries out â€Å"I, the miserable and the abandoned, am an abortion, to be spurned at, and kicked, and trampled on.† This idea of abortion can also be traced to Victor’s destruction of the female monster wherein Victor aborts the act of creating the female counterpart of the monster. An explanation can be found in Victor’s description of philosophy â€Å"I at once gave up my former occupations; set down natural history and all its progeny as a deformed and abortive creation; and entertained the greates t disdain for a would-be science, which could never even

Thursday, January 23, 2020

BARNEY FRANK: Truth, Lies, Privacy :: essays Papers

BARNEY FRANK: Truth, Lies, Privacy Throughout his eighteen-year tenure in the United States House of Representatives, Representative Barney Frank has received all types of criticism and praise, ranging from derogatory statements pertaining to his sexual preferences, to outstanding compliments similar to the ones received by the great orators in the history of our country. Many of these comments surfaced during the recent impeachment trial for President Clinton, where Representative Frank dazzled and enraged many of his political colleagues with his unique "laser-sharp wit and quips" (Alvarez, 1998). Throughout his political career and most recently, the impeachment trial, Representative Frank freely voiced his opinion of the President and his actions with an almost invincible aura emanating with each comment. It is true that Representative Frank emerged as one of Clinton’s strongest defenders, but Representative Frank did not assume the typical role of a completely loyal and faithful supporter. Representative Frank made exhilarating arguments in defense of the President, and he publicly denounced the President’s actions just as quickly when he did not agree with them. By supporting the President in such a fashion, it is hard to imagine why Representative Frank was not constantly under attack, but rather still able to clearly state his opinions to an audience that was still very eager to listen. Of course like any other politician, Representative Frank has his allies and his enemies, yet he does not seem to weigh them as heavily as other politicians appear to. Enemies or simply people who do not necessarily see eye to eye with Representative Frank, have branded Frank as: "very intimidating, harassing, with an ability to use humor that enables him to win debate on tactics alone, rather than substance,"says Jones."His style reminds me of a petulant adolescent who has to have his own way. He's a stand-up comedian in congressional clothes, a very funny guy in the Don Rickles/Jackie Mason mold"(Elvin, 1998). Another one of Frank’s rivals, Howard Phillips of Conservative Caucus, who began debating with Frank in their undergraduate days at Harvard, stated that Representative Frank is: "a person of great energy, and great passion, for the wrong causes. God gave him extraordinary talent and he's using it for evil rather than for good. Barney is a very capable fellow with a very distorted view of what's right and what's wrong"(Elvin, 1998). Along with the negative criticism directed at Representative Frank comes a great number of positive, uplifting compliments such as the following by Representative Henry Hyde: BARNEY FRANK: Truth, Lies, Privacy :: essays Papers BARNEY FRANK: Truth, Lies, Privacy Throughout his eighteen-year tenure in the United States House of Representatives, Representative Barney Frank has received all types of criticism and praise, ranging from derogatory statements pertaining to his sexual preferences, to outstanding compliments similar to the ones received by the great orators in the history of our country. Many of these comments surfaced during the recent impeachment trial for President Clinton, where Representative Frank dazzled and enraged many of his political colleagues with his unique "laser-sharp wit and quips" (Alvarez, 1998). Throughout his political career and most recently, the impeachment trial, Representative Frank freely voiced his opinion of the President and his actions with an almost invincible aura emanating with each comment. It is true that Representative Frank emerged as one of Clinton’s strongest defenders, but Representative Frank did not assume the typical role of a completely loyal and faithful supporter. Representative Frank made exhilarating arguments in defense of the President, and he publicly denounced the President’s actions just as quickly when he did not agree with them. By supporting the President in such a fashion, it is hard to imagine why Representative Frank was not constantly under attack, but rather still able to clearly state his opinions to an audience that was still very eager to listen. Of course like any other politician, Representative Frank has his allies and his enemies, yet he does not seem to weigh them as heavily as other politicians appear to. Enemies or simply people who do not necessarily see eye to eye with Representative Frank, have branded Frank as: "very intimidating, harassing, with an ability to use humor that enables him to win debate on tactics alone, rather than substance,"says Jones."His style reminds me of a petulant adolescent who has to have his own way. He's a stand-up comedian in congressional clothes, a very funny guy in the Don Rickles/Jackie Mason mold"(Elvin, 1998). Another one of Frank’s rivals, Howard Phillips of Conservative Caucus, who began debating with Frank in their undergraduate days at Harvard, stated that Representative Frank is: "a person of great energy, and great passion, for the wrong causes. God gave him extraordinary talent and he's using it for evil rather than for good. Barney is a very capable fellow with a very distorted view of what's right and what's wrong"(Elvin, 1998). Along with the negative criticism directed at Representative Frank comes a great number of positive, uplifting compliments such as the following by Representative Henry Hyde:

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Consider the ways in which Margaret Atwood Essay

   â€Å"I used to dress like that. That was freedom† / I’m looking down, at the sidewalk, mesmerised by the woman’s feet† This however is countered by â€Å"We are fascinated, but also repelled. They seem undressed. It has taken so little time to change our minds, about things like this† This clear distinction between how she’s expected to feel and how she actually feels becomes distorted as we are unable to define where one starts and the ends. This however is not the first time and this help gain interest into Offred, as one wonders how much she’s begging to believe what she’s being told. This is one of the defining aspects of the novel during the opening chapters as Offred’s characters is never directly revealed to the reader as she sways between survival and ambition. As each chapter unfolds we are offered more into the feelings of Offred into the society of Gilead however it is often difficult to determine what comes from herself and what is simply repeated from the Aunts. The Japanese also act as a way for Atwood to ask of Offred what the reader clearly wants to ask; â€Å"Are you happy†. To this Offred eventually answers â€Å"Yes, we are very happy† however by the text surrounding her answer it is clear to the reader how she really feels. This novel is at heart an exploration of individuality and the need in human nature to express one’s own personality through freedom of thought and speech. In order to complete this at an effective level Atwood has had to create Gilead, a society with a complete blindness to the needs of its individuals, for reasons that become apparent as the novel continues. The severity of Gilead’s members’ loss of control over their own lives is highlighted by Atwood on many occasions during the first 5 sections. â€Å"She wanted me to feel as that I could not come in the house unless she said so. There is much push and shove over such toehold these days. † This quote appears shortly after Offred offers a description of the Commander’s wife in her past, as a television celebrity. â€Å"she could smile and cry at the same time, one tear or two sliding gracefully down her cheek, as if on cue†. The stark contrast between the later quote and the action of Serena Joy once under the control of Gilead offers insight into how the society has affected the lives of everybody, not only the handmaid, as everyone makes a desperate grab for some form of power. Atwood chooses not to give the handmaid a name during the first 5 chapters and this helps distance her from the reader and re-iterate her lack of individuality. This creates interest as the reader questions firstly whether she has a name and secondly what her motives are for not telling us, is she ashamed, afraid? We know from her time at the red centre that names were very precious to them, maybe they’re considered unnecessary for a woman of her position. This adds further mystery to her tale and encourages the reader to continue so that they can understand more into the society. The extremety of Atwood’s fictional society takes the novel into an area often described as Sci-fi, here though, we are shown Atwood’s most important trait; the incredible personalised style of writing associated with her novels. This, alone, is what separates â€Å"The handmaid’s tale† from other books of a similar concept, as by using a first person perspective Atwood is able to explore rather then describe Gilead and therefore the society appears more definite and believable, all of which helps the novel become more interesting during the opening 5 sections. Many details into the society are left undescribed, we know of an existing war through the talk of the frontline, ration books and the loss of Central America to the â€Å"Libertheos†, however Offred never offers more than this. It appears as though this is because Offred expects to know a certain amount into the society of Gilead already, as though we are expected to read this book in the aftermath of the society. A secret diary almost The readers interest is maintained throughout the opening 5 chapters by masking the character of Offred, Giving hints towards a possible escape or ending in another manner and by slowly introducing an unusual society which has clearly developed in America from the present existing population. Offred’s character is masked by; Not introducing the reader to her by name, quoting the opinions of others in order to create confusion as to what she truly believes, contrasting her past actions and beliefs with those actions in which she participates in the present and that which she feels now. The hints into escape, of some form, are offered in two main forms; Through her understanding of the actions of others in order to end their own life and her seeming acceptance of the reasoning behind it and her continued rebellious nature in always looking for a way to break and bend rules. The society unfolds in front of the reader in a mixture of normality and genuine discontentment, prompting the question How, When and Why? All this ensures one’s desire to discover more into the life of Offred, the society she lives in and her intentions for the future. Tom Smith 2002 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Margaret Atwood section.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Brave New World By Aldous Huxley - 1785 Words

Shaelyn Olson Mrs. Kieren AP Lit 21 March, 2017 Brave New World If technology is the only thing people are going to use in the future, the world will revolve around it and the government will gain control. Characters in the book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley are being controlled by the government without knowing it. The government believes that the people should be acting like robots in the future. Technology has taken over the people and the government is using it to their advantage. By having the people obey the government and thinking they are superior to the people, they do not have to worry about anyone trying to leave the Reservation. They use different tactics to have them able to be cajoling the people when they are children,†¦show more content†¦When the children would get close to them, they would use certain technology to shock them and make loud noises to scare them. After that, the children would not want to go near any of those items. They do that to every item they do not want the children playing with. The government s eems to believe that having the children get scared of everything when they are younger will make them be scared of everything when they are older. That is when they will get suspicious and wonder why they are scared of those things. Technology is a main cause of this and that is what Huxley is trying to explain. When someone would not follow the rules, the government would use their power to force scare tactics upon them. For example, a person by the name of Bernard was not obeying the government at all. He had to glean information of the government in order to know how to destroy it. By Bernard having so much temerity, he had to pay for his action. For Bernard having to pay for his actions, the Director was very acrimonious and threatened to have him removed from the Reservation. People need to go against the government so they can have a free life instead of living under the control of them. Bernard in they only person who has figured out the government’s ways to have the people obey them. People are raised to obey the government and when they don’t, they get punished. By the way theShow MoreRelatedA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley668 Words   |  3 PagesIn Brave New World, there are similarities that have a deeper meaning that we can understand. There are personal effects in Aldous Huxley life that contribute to what he has written in the book. Aldous Huxley throughout his life have seen, done, and events have happened to him, just like all of us, but he has expressed it in his book. So when Aldous wrote the he had so many ideas. I have read the book; it’s notRead MoreBrave New World by Aldous Huxley811 Words   |  3 Pages Brave New World is based around characters who gave up the right of freedom for happiness; characters who ignored the truth so that they could live in a utopian civilization. The deceiving happiness was a constant reminder throughout the book. Almost every character in Brave New World did whatever they could to avoid facing the truth about their own situations. In this society, happiness is not compatible with the truth because the World State believes that happiness was at the expense of theRead MoreBrave New World By Aldous Huxley1525 Words   |  7 PagesA Brave New Feminist The novel Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley in 1932 is known for its social satire, utopian values, and unusual standpoints on stereotypical gender roles. In this time where futuristic technology has completely taken over, and men and women are given the same opportunities for everything, â€Å"the genders appear equal within the social order; both men and women work at the same jobs, have equal choice in sexual partners, and participate in the same leisure pursuits† (MarchRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley664 Words   |  3 Pagesfor the fact being in the future and in the past time has changed and many differences were made. In his Dystopian Society Huxley portrays masses of niches where the government produces clones for specific reasons. Huxley decides throughout Brave New World that cloning humans is unethical. He then becomes in contact with the society’s most powerful Alphas and Betas clones. Huxley suggest in BNW that lower class groups in clo ning humans to act like servants to terrorize them into working hard conditionsRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley1189 Words   |  5 Pages In the world of sex, drugs, and baby cloning you are going to be in many situations where you feel like the world we live in should be different. In the story Brave New World, they had sex with multiple partners along with a very bad use of drugs. It is weird that Aldous Huxley wrote this book in 1931 about the world he was living in during that time and how it is similar to the world we live in today. Nowadays, drugs are still being used and people are still engaging in sexual encounters withRead MoreBrave New World By Aldous Huxley968 Words   |  4 PagesAldous Huxley’s utopia in Brave New World foreshadowed and illuminated the complications within modern day society. Upon its release, the narrative became widely banned all over the United States due to the unorthodox thoughts and actions of multiple characters in it. Early readers, as well as modern day audiences, feared and rejected the ideals that Huxley incorporated into his perfect society; however, our society today is heading towards the dark paths the older generations desired to avoid. Read MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley895 Words   |  4 Pagesthe novel Brave New World, Aldous Huxley tells of a society where everyone is the same but, compared to t oday’s society, everything is different. Huxley tells of a world where everything that happens or takes place is because of one’s own desire and nothing more. The hero in the novel, a â€Å"savage† named John, is Huxley’s main focal point. It is through his eyes and mind that the reader sees what’s going on. Now when I read this novel, I began to think, â€Å"Could this perfect, conformed world actuallyRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley1684 Words   |  7 Pagesimperfect world and is usually only a hopeful dream. These types of worlds can greatly be described in detail through the world of science fiction. Aldous Huxley was an English writer who lived during a time when war and chaos were engulfing the world. His works reflect his view and thoughts on a dystopia, which is a false utopia, and describes what could occur in possible governments of the world. The ability to understand and dive into the thoughts of the author is what make s world literatureRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley614 Words   |  2 Pagesthem truly happy. What if someone were to tell you that what you thought was true happiness was all an illusion. In a Brave New World by Aldous Huxley people in the world state are conditioned and drugged up by soma to not experience true happiness. In a world that is perfect, human beings do not have to depend on drugs to keep our world in balance. In a Brave New World by Aldous Huxley there is always a perfect drug called soma that keeps everyone happy, which they have based their society on. ThisRead MoreA Brave New World by Aldous Huxley948 Words   |  4 PagesWelcome to a world were â€Å"Brave† is not just a word; It has a true meaning. This is a story were everything as you know it, doesn’t seem to be right and will completely change your way of thinking. When this story was written, life was very harsh for many people†¦.Mostly for the author who wrote â€Å"Brave New World† During this time (1930s) they didn’t have much sexual content Living The Future Of The Past In The Present†¦.. In the air; But Aldous made a future full of sex for them and we are the